About Us

Our Mission

Our Vision: Creating Better Environments and Brighter Futures for Children Without Families

Mission Statement

The Sacred Portion Children’s Outreach serves vulnerable children of the world by:

  1. Assisting orphanages in providing quality care for children in residence
  2. Advocating for adoption of older children through hosting programs
  3. Offering opportunities for others to give their “sacred portion” out of love and obedience (Deuteronomy 26: 11, 12 & 14)
  4. Seeking families for children through adoption, domestically and internationally

"And you...shall rejoice in all the good which the Lord your God has given you and your household. And you...shall say before the Lord you God, I have removed the sacred portion from my house, and have given it to... the orphan according to all thy commandments which thou hast commanded me... I have listened to the voice of the Lord my God."

Deuteronomy 26:11-14

Our Founding

In the Bible, God makes provision for orphaned and abandoned children. In the Old Testament, His people gave from their resources a special offering for orphans, widows, and others who had no portion or inheritance. Founded on this principle, The Sacred Portion Children's Outreach is a non-profit organization dedicated to children who are without homes and families.

Our Invitation

There are many children around the world who are in need of a loving family of their own. The countless number of orphans is staggering. It is our desire that institutionalized children do not languish, but are provided with the nurturing care and developmental opportunities they require for learning and thriving. 

Yet, orphanages—no matter how good—are no substitute for families. Every child should have a family to guide them through growing up. Naturally, it should be their family of birth who provides this backdrop of love and care. We support measures to help families stay intact; when this is not possible, we seek to provide for a child's future through adoption.

Our desire is to give hope to the children we serve. We hope that, ultimately, they will come to know the personal, loving God who cares for them.

The Sacred Portion Children's Outreach extends an invitation for others to give their own "sacred portion" out of obedience to God and love for the world’s children. Manners of giving include sponsorship, prayer, donations, volunteering—and, for some, bringing a child into their family.

Whatever the portion, a gift toward a child without a family is considered sacred, holding a place of honor before God.

Our Services and Credentials

Providing Hague-accredited, Christian Adoption Services


Our agency is a faith-based, state-licensed, and Hague-accredited child placing agency conducting international and domestic adoption home studies and post-adoption supervision for families residing in the state of Montana. We have inter-country adoptive placement programs with the Philippines for families residing in any state.

The Sacred Portion Children’s Outreach is the only Hague-accredited adoption agency in Montana. Hague accreditation affirms that we adhere to the Hague Adoption Convention’s standards of ethical practice for the protection of children and families—a treaty of which the United States and around 100 other world countries are signatory.

Intercountry Adoption

Our agency is authorized by the National Authority for Child Care in the Philippines (formerly Intercountry Adoption Board) to place children with families across the United States. See Philippines Program.

We conduct home studies for many other international adoption programs for Montana families.

Domestic Adoption

The Sacred Portion Children’s Outreach is licensed by the State of Montana to place children born in Montana, and also to conduct home studies for Montana families adopting domestically from elsewhere in the United States. We can work with Montana birth parents to find an adoptive family for their newborn child—and are always honored to do so!

Presently, we do not have a domestic placement program that accepts waiting adoptive families.

Rehoboth Sampaloc Ministries

Our agency continues to partner with Rehoboth Sampaloc Ministries in the Philippines, as we have since 1998, as the conduit for a major part of their child sponsorship and operating funds and as the organizer of work teams who periodically travel to build; teach; and encourage our friends there. In the past, other early childhood development programs have been established in the Philippines, China, and the United States.

Orphan care was the focus of our ministry’s beginning and is still at the heart of all that we do.

Providing Care and Education to Children Without Families

Our Staff

Corina Paszkiet

Executive Director

Raised in Sheridan, Wyoming, Corina and her husband John have called Bozeman, Montana, home since 2000. Corina graduated from Montana State University in 2005 with a Bachelor of Science in Psychology. She loves the beautiful region around Bozeman, where outdoor opportunities such as skiing and hiking are so abundant.

Corina, our Executive Director, has always had a heart for adoption. With a great number of adoptions within her family of origin, she knew early on that she not only wanted to adopt but also desired to work with the adoption community. Corina firmly believes that God builds families very specifically. When they were diagnosed with infertility, it was clear that their route to a family would be through adoption. She and her husband welcomed their son through domestic adoption in 2012 and their daughter in 2014. Corina will tell you that one of the best parts of the process was The Sacred Portion Children’s Outreach, completing their home studies.

Corina and her husband jointly home-school their two children and love the freedom this gives for traveling and exploring the world. She works closely with her church and other community non-profits. She loves being part of building families through adoption and supporting adoptive families—and feels blessed that God has given her this phenomenal opportunity!

Corina Paszkiet

Hannah Harris

Social Worker

Hannah is our new social worker at The Sacred Portion Children’s Outreach. Having grown up overseas as a missionary kid in Taiwan, Hannah has always had a special place in her heart for those from different cultural backgrounds. She graduated in 2020 from Montana State University with a Bachelor of Science in elementary education and went on to specialize in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) at Concordia University Nebraska. After several years in the education field, Hannah felt called to apply her training in a new capacity, which led her to Sacred Portion.

With her background in child development and experience working with children from various cultures, Hannah is dedicated to advocating for the unique needs of adoptees. She is passionate about finding resources to equip adoptive parents and caring for the broken-hearted and misunderstood. She is honored to walk with families as they answer God’s call to open their hearts and lives to children without families. Most of all, she is excited to be a part of a unified team witnessing God’s beautiful plan unfold - bringing people from different worlds together as family.

Hannah and her husband have lived in Bozeman, Montana for eight years and are looking forward to adopting in the near future. When she’s not at work, you can find her enjoying a good cup of tea, crocheting, watching movies, and playing board games with her husband and friends.

Hannah Harris

Leslie Perry

Social Work Supervisor

An experienced specialist in children's education and behavior, Leslie Perry serves as the Social Work Supervisor for The Sacred Portion Children's Outreach. She received her Bachelor of Science from Northwest Nazarene College and then achieved a Master of Arts in Human Development and Family Life from the University of Kansas in 2000, and a Master of Arts in Special Education: Moderate/Severe, from Point Loma Nazarene University in 2008. Leslie became a certified practitioner of Trust Based Relational Intervention in 2021, adding this to her numerous other credentials in child development, behavior management, and special education.

With experience in supporting children with a wide variety of developmental needs, as well as instructing teachers and designing both school and church classrooms to suit those needs, Leslie is well-equipped to understand and give insight to families adopting children who have unique emotional, developmental, behavioral, and educational history.

Leslie and her husband have lived in Bozeman, Montana for ten years and are the parents of a son and a daughter whom they adopted domestically. As a family, they like to spend leisure time camping and kayaking. In her position at The Sacred Portion Children's Outreach, Leslie looks forward to supporting families and walking the journey of healing alongside them as they become the families that God has woven together!

Leslie Perry

Renée Jackson

Adoption Programs Coordinator

Renée is a Montana native, happily settled here. She studied Christian Education, became certified as a Natural Foods Chef, and has spent the past years working for several small businesses and households in southwest Montana. Renée came to The Sacred Portion Children’s Outreach in 2020 to be the writer of home studies (and later, an adoption program assistant). While her previous writing has centered on culinary education, two of Renée’s other passions are children and international cultures—thus her communication for our adoption agency is a great fit. 

Renée has had some prior experience with adoptive families and is thankful for the rewarding opportunity of assisting clients of The Sacred Portion Children’s Outreach. She is glad to be on a team working diligently to bring children into welcoming families! She loves considering the beautiful people and places that God has made in every corner of the earth. Renée likes to pray for each family for whom she writes home studies and corresponds. When not writing or cooking, Renée enjoys the outdoors, hospitality, and traveling with her husband.

Renée Jackson

Brynne Spicer

Community Outreach Coordinator & Administrative Assistant

Brynne Spicer is now the Community Outreach Coordinator & Administrative Assistant for The Sacred Portion Children's Outreach. She is graduating in May of 2023 with a bachelor’s degree in Entrepreneurship and Business from Grand Canyon University. She moved from Bonney Lake, Washington in May of 2022 and has loved growing in community and fellowship with many friends in Bozeman. Brynne has an exciting passion for nonprofit organizations and has been volunteering from a young age.

Brynne is a devout Christian committed to spreading the gospel through service, fellowship, and loving others in a Christ-centered way. She feels called by God to work with the team at Sacred Portion and to help in the administrative portion of the adoption process for families across the country. She loves to be involved in her local church--volunteering in the kid’s ministry as well as attending young adult Bible studies in the community.

Brynne Spicer

Jan Druckenmiller

Founder, Treasurer

Jan Druckenmiller was the Executive Director of The Sacred Portion Children’s Outreach from 1998 to 2022 when she stepped down in order to partially retire. Jan is still involved as the much-respected wealth of knowledge and vision behind our agency. Jan's work on behalf of orphans has been consuming at both professional and personal levels. She is the mother of one biological son and five adopted daughters.

Jan and her husband Craig directed an early childhood development program for 22 years before directing their attention toward another population of children—those without families. To this end, in 1998, Jan and Craig founded The Sacred Portion Children’s Outreach—a non-profit ministry to orphaned and abandoned children. They began traveling to the Philippines and becoming involved with several orphanages, helping to construct buildings as well as to start onsite preschool programs. Jan marvels at God answering her heart’s desire to use her child development background in orphanage settings—one being the Rehoboth Children’s Home, part of Rehoboth Sampaloc Ministries.  

In 2006, The Sacred Portion Children's Outreach became licensed as a child-placing agency with the State of Montana. The agency was granted Hague accreditation in 2012. The Sacred Portion Children’s Outreach continues Jan’s hope of “creating better environments and brighter futures for children without families”—through orphan care, adoption services, support, and more.

Jan Druckenmiller

Charter of Faith

The Sacred Portion Children's Outreach is a Montana non-profit corporation formed for religious purposes with a specific mission to carry out the admonition set forth in Deuteronomy 26:11, 12 & 14. This Charter of Faith sets forth the religious basis for our organization's purpose.

1. We believe the Scriptures, both Old and New Testaments, to be the inspired Word of God, without error in the original writings, the complete revelation of His will for the salvation of men and the Divine and final authority for Christian faith and life.
We look to the Scriptures as the blueprint for the scope and purpose of our lives. James 1:27 states, “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” Scripture contains thirty references alone regarding those whom the Bible calls the fatherless, a clear revelation of God's heart for orphans. Thus, the mission of The Sacred Portion Children's Outreach has the best interest of children as its core value and has embraced the care of orphans as its mission, with a full assurance of its biblical basis in being the unequivocal will of God. In keeping with the best interest of children, we believe the term "marriage" has only one meaning: the uniting of one man and one woman in a single, exclusive union, as delineated in Scripture (Genesis 1:26-27). Further, we believe that it is God's design that children should be raised by a mother and father who are married to each other in a covenant relationship before God.

2. We believe in one God, Creator of all things, infinitely perfect and eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
God is sovereign over His universe. Thus, we regard nothing as our own, but rather see ourselves as stewards of what God has entrusted to us. The Sacred Portion Children's Outreach is God's organization. He is at work in the world and we look for open doors and paths leading us to where we might join Him in His work. He will make of this organization what He will and we seek to be responsive to His molding of it.

3. We believe that Jesus is true God and true man, having been conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. He died on the cross, a sacrifice for our sins according to the Scriptures. Further, He arose bodily from the dead, ascended into heaven, where, at the right hand of the Majesty on High, He is now our High Priest and Advocate.
Jesus reveals to us the character of God through His life and His words as recorded in Scripture. We see Him reaching out to those who were sick or hurting. Through The Sacred Portion Children's Outreach, we seek to follow the example of Christ in reaching out to those children who desperately need our help.

4. That the ministry of the Holy Spirit is to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ, and during this age to convict men, regenerate the believing sinner, indwell, guide, instruct, and empower the believer for godly living and service.
We realize that, in and of ourselves, we will be ineffectual in this ministry. Thus, we rely on the power and leading of the Holy Spirit to accomplish the tasks set before us. For what we do accomplish we will give all credit to the Lord.

5. We believe that man was created in the image of God, but fell into sin and is, therefore, lost and only through regeneration by the Holy Spirit can salvation and spiritual life be obtained.
We see the suffering of orphans as one outcome of a fallen world. We do not blame God for this suffering, but rather look to the Holy Spirit to rejuvenate the remnant of goodness within us and to spur us on in His power to lessen that suffering. Through change wrought in our own hearts by His Spirit, we become the heart of God extended to the needy children of the world.

6. We believe that the shed blood of Jesus Christ and His resurrection provide the only ground for justification and salvation for all who believe, and only such as receive Jesus Christ are born of the Holy Spirit and, thus, become children of God.
It is our aim to see that children have the basic necessities of life, proper medical care and an education to prepare them for the future. Above all, our desire is to give them an awareness of the extent of God's love for them and His desire to redeem them as His children through the sacrifice of Christ.

7. We believe in the bodily resurrection of the dead; of the believer to everlasting blessedness and joy with the Lord; of the unbeliever to judgment and everlasting separation from His presence.
The greatest gift that we can give to children is a hope that transcends whatever their present life circumstances might be--a hope of eternal communion with the God of all comfort and the Father of us all.

Organization Information

Hague Accreditation


The Sacred Portion Children’s Outreach is the only adoption agency in the state of Montana that is Hague-accredited and able to offer services to families who need a Hague-accredited agency.

As explained further by the U.S. Department of State, The Hague Convention on the Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption, concluded at The Hague, The Netherlands in 1993 and entered into force in the United States in 2008, is an international agreement that applies to adoptions by U.S. citizens of children resident in any country outside of the United States that is signatory to the same agreement.

For those countries that permit foreign adoptions of their children, some have ratified the Hague Convention and others have not. Hague Convention adoption programs offer greater protection for the adopting parents and for the children being adopted. The Sacred Portion Children's Outreach became Hague-accredited in January of 2012.

A re-accreditation process is repeated every four years. We complete this process with our accrediting agency assigned by the U.S. Department of State—the Intercountry Adoption Accreditation and Maintenance Entity (IAAME). We had to demonstrate that, as an agency, we meet strict standards of ethical practice for the protection of children and families. Our current Hague accreditation is valid until January of 2028.

Public Comment Opportunity

The Intercountry Adoption Accreditation and Maintenance Entity (IAAME), one of two national accrediting agencies approved by the U.S. Department of State to conduct Hague accreditation and approval reviews, invites the public to provide comment on adoption service providers who are seeking Hague accreditation or seeking approval or renewal of Hague accreditation. You may provide a comment here.

Non-Discrimination Policy

The Sacred portion Children’s Outreach does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, national origin, age, disability, or any other characteristic protected by law. As a faith-based, religious organization, The Sacred Portion Children’s Outreach reserves and protects all of its rights under all federal and state constitutions, statutes, rules, and case law.

Non-Profit Status Information

As a 501(c)3 organization, your contribution is tax deductible. After contribution a receipt will be sent to you. Our donation receipt will verify your donation. If you have any questions, please contact us at (406) 586-5773.

The Sacred Portion Children's Outreach Tax ID Number: 81-0393190

2023 Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax (PDF)