Expectant & Birth Mothers

Mikah Zimmerle

Dear Expectant Moms,

I want you to know that you are not alone in this. My name is Mikah Zimmerle and I am a social worker with Sacred Portion. We are not here to convince you to choose a certain path, we are here to walk with you in the journey of choosing. Facing an unexpected pregnancy can be an overwhelming, terrifying, and isolating experience, and many don’t fully understand the options that are all of the sudden placed in front of them. As a social worker, I also do options counseling for expectant parents in situations just like yours. This is a fancy way of saying that I am available to talk on the phone or in person to be (1) a listening and encouraging ear and (2) help you process through your options and what each could look like for you and your child! Whether you choose to love your child by parenting or making an adoption plan, we will commit to walking with you and connecting you with support. Please know that we are for you and the life you carry!

Mikah Zimmerle

(406) 586-5773

Birth Mothers graphic

Frequently Asked Questions

Facing an unplanned pregnancy can be a challenging and emotional experience but know that you are not alone on this journey. Our adoption agency offers compassionate and supportive option counseling to assist you in making a decision that is best for you and your baby. Our experienced workers are here to provide you with information about all of your options, including adoption, and help you navigate through this difficult time. We believe in empowering expectant mothers to make an informed choice that feels right for them and their child, and we are dedicated to supporting you every step of the way. Please email our social worker Mikah at and she will connect with you to do discuss your situation and help provide options. Please only share the information that you feel comfortable sharing.

Choosing adoption is a complex and emotional process that involves careful consideration and planning. The first step is connecting with our adoption agency, we help guide potential birth mothers/parents through the adoption journey. Our agency will provide support and information on the various options you have, helping you to make an informed decision moving forward. If you decide to move forward with adoption, the next step involves selecting an adoptive family. This process can include reviewing profiles and connecting with potential families, ensuring they meet the criteria and values important to you as a birth mother/parent. Lastly, finalizing the adoption involves some legal procedures and documentation to legally establish the adoptive relationship. We will be here for you throughout the entire process, we can help answer any questions you may have and give you a more detailed explanation of adoption through phone call at (406) 586-5773 or by email at .

There are various types of adoptions, we will help walk you through the different options to help you decide on the best course of action for your situation. There are three types, close, semi-closed, and open adoptions. In a closed or confidential adoption, birth parents and adoptive parents do not share contact or identifying information. The distinction between open and semi-open adoptions typically involves open adoptions having more direct communication and contact. In semi-open adoptions, an agency liaison often assists in facilitating communication and agreements regarding openness. We recommend establishing the level of communication with your social worker prior to giving birth.

There is a difference. Unlike foster care, expectant mothers are in complete control of the process. Your child will stay permanently with the family you choose, the State is not involved in the process, and prospective families undergo a thorough screening process to determine if they can provide a loving, stable home.

The caseworker will privately present you with profiles of potential adoptive parents, it's important to consider what values and lifestyles are significant to you. You will be able to communicate these preferences with your caseworker. Some expectant mothers feel an instant connection with the family they choose, and others focus specifically on the criteria they desire in a family. Our social worker is happy to walk you through the process of deciding on an adoptive family and will help connect you to get to know the family personally.

Remember that you have full control. Until you finalize your decision, you maintain the right to change it, whether that means deciding to parent or selecting a different family. We desire for you to feel supported in your courageous decision to explore all possibilities.

Keep in mind that this is your decision and no one else is better equipped to decide than you. We are here to be a listening ear if you need someone to tell and talk about your options with. We will support you whether you choose adoption or to parent your child.

Be mindful and trust your instincts. Not everyone has the right to know details about your situation. Some individuals may be misinformed and could benefit from being educated about the fact that adoption is a selfless and loving choice made from one person to another.


Being a birth mother is just one aspect of your identity, not the sole defining role. It is going to take time and healing, but we are here to provide you with resources and people that are going to support you through becoming a birth mother. Our holistic approach can facilitate your healing process, help you adjust to your new role with mental well-being, and approach it with an open heart.

The connection between a birth parent and adoptive parent should resemble a healthy and communicative relationship. It is important to tell your caseworker and potential adoptive parents the type of relationship you envision having with your child after placement. Like any relationship, there may be obstacles to overcome. Being able to have open and honest conversations with your caseworker and/or the adoptive parents will be crucial in fostering a strong and beneficial relationship going forward.

We would love to connect you with many resources near you. Different options can look like counseling, community connection groups, and educational resources that will help you grieve and heal from the processing of placing your baby for adoption. We are here to help you feel cared for and seen within your adoption process.